Tuesday, November 26, 2013

About CIS 275

A few decades ago, the magnitude and influence of technology was only imagined.

In a matter of years, we went from this:


To this:

And are now living in an era where technology and the internet plays a major role in the functioning of our society.

In the 1960's,  John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz offered the first ever IT literacy class at Darmouth College. They both believed that "every liberally educated undergraduate needed knowledge of computers and information technology, regardless of their major".

CIS 275 offers students, of all majors:


     Applications (characteristics of network-based applications i.e. email, music, shopping, web search)

     Technology  (evolvement of the computer,processing, storage and communication)

     Implications (for individuals, organizations and society i.e. management styles, innovation, movement towards globalization)


     Application development (using generalized Internet services)

     Content creation (text, image, audio and video)

     User skills (with existing network-based applications)

associated with the use of the internet.  The Intenet has become a platform for the development and exposure of applications and services that are almost available to anyone in the world who has internet access.
CIS 275 allows for students to explore social media sites and its uses to the fullest. Applications like:
        - Twitter
        - Google+
        - YouTube
that allow students to interact and understand the influence they have had to the development of information technology.

This course will allow you to have a better understanding of how IT knowledge has become a neccesity more than a luxury.  Many of the services and applications that will be presented to you are familiar and well-known, but the course guides you through each and inclines to you to explore each of its functions, and in general give you "the skills and concepts needed for success as a student and after graduation as a professional and a citizen".

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